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  • Hospitality Coach

Is it just a Product you are Selling - Or is it an Experience?

Updated: Feb 18, 2020

When you walk into a bar or restaurant, your primary motivation might be to buy a nice meal or drink, or spend some time with family and friends - but what made you choose that particular bar or restaurant?

Of course the physical product they sell might be your favourite food, or they might make amazing cocktails or have a great wine list, and this will form part of your decision making process, but what if the service you received whilst there was poor - would you still be as keen to choose that establishment?

I completely believe that going out for dinner is not just about enjoying eating a nice meal that someone else has cooked for you - it is a complete experience which starts from the moment you make the booking, and lasts until you walk out the door. It's always the small details that people remember - someone taking your coat, a cheerful greeting, colouring books and pencils brought over for the kids. Understanding this is key to providing a great level of hospitality and customer service.

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